Golden Ticket Giveaway
Giveaway alert! Looking to eat cookies AND potentially win amazing prizes from amazing companies around town? DO BOTH in the 30 days leading up to CNY!

Starting today through February 10th, we will be randomly sending ONE PRIZE EVERY DAY to one of our daily orders from our Wechat shop and official website. Think a Jianbing blanket from Untour, vouchers to Homeslice, classes to F45, bagel chips from Spread the Bagel, a scooter for a month from Mute, and more!
Here’s how it works: you order cookies, and you are automatically entered into the day's sweepstakes. How will you know if you've won? This SWEET extra large, CNY themed cookie bag made by Paper Tiger will arrive with your order!
Each Extra Large CNY cookie pack will have your prize inside, and a Golden Ticket that automatically enters you into our GRAND PRIZE!
At the end of the 30 days, we will be selecting the GRAND PRIZE winner from the 30 winners to receive a YEAR’S worth of Flavor of the Month cookies! So every month, for the entire Year of the Ox, you will receive a pack of our flavor of the Month!
Keep an eye on our customer service WeChat (13788940337) weibo and Instragram to follow what prizes are being released and learn about the amazing companies giving great stuff away!
See below for the current list of prizes (we’ll be adding more throughout the month as well).
And don't forget, our CNY Gift Box Sets are available for pre-order now!
Spread the Bagel is a household name with all things bagel, with its mission to spread NY-Style bagel deliciousness all over China! STB bagels are always boiled, and our sandwiches are made from the highest quality ingredients.
Prize奖品: 6 tins of bagel chips 6罐贝果片
Find them here!
Instagram @spreadthebagel
Untour Food Tours
UnTour Food Tours is not your typical tourist experience. Our small, passionate team of food lovers have been taking guests off the beaten path to eat shoulder-to-shoulder with locals since 2010. Join us in Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu and Hong Kong to discover China’s delicious food, explore authentic neighborhoods and learn the fascinating stories that make up 5,000 years of culinary history. We hope you're hungry!
UnTour Food Tours不是平凡的旅游团体验。自2010年成立以来,我们热情的吃货小团队一直在带领游客领略中华传统美食,与当地人同桌共餐。我们邀请你与我们一起来品尝上海,北京,成都和香港探索当地美食,发现纯正的邻里,学习伴随着中华五千多年的烹饪历史。
Prize奖品: Jianbing Blanket 煎饼毛毯
Find them here!
Instagram @untourfoodtours
Weibo @untourfoodtours
Facebook @untourfoodtours
Gelato Dal Cuore
Year-round popular gelato spot on Shaanxi Bei Lu with more than 200 flavours on rotation. DAL CUORE is famous for it’s creative flavours such as Pandan coconut, Oatly Earth and so much more.
Prize奖品: Gelato sharing box 冰淇淋分享装
Find them here!
WeChat mini program 微信小程序https://100000870181.retail.n.weimob.com/saas/retail/100000870181/2074343181/shop/index
Pinyin Press
Pinyin Press creates home accessories, lifestyle products and gifts inspired by everyday life in China. Inspired by the concept of the Pinyin language system as “a bridge between China and the rest of the world," Pinyin Press seeks to bring people together in an appreciation of Asia. Founded in Shanghai, Pinyin Press celebrates Chinese culture through hand drawn illustrations and quality craftsmanship.
一个充满着趣味、精灵古怪的家居品牌:Pinyin Press, 它的创立者Sarah Armstrong女士是一位基于上海的天才设计师。受到生活中日常物品的灵感启发,Pinyin Press主要围绕独特且充满活力的当代亚洲文化,用手绘、彩印和纹章的形式来表现其生趣和张力。实用和趣味并存的设计理念让Pinyin Press的每一件作品都充盈着生活中点点滴滴幽默诙谐。
Prize奖品: A Baozi Mug and Tea Towel set 包子马克杯和餐具擦拭巾一套
(A bone china mug and linen-cotton screen printed tea towel featuring Pinyin Press' signature Baozi design. 骨瓷杯和棉麻制丝网印刷的包子图案擦拭巾)
Find them here!
Instagram/Facebook @PinyinPress
Taobao: Pinyin Press
WeChat: pinyinpress
Fumi Coffee
FUMI coffee started off as a passion project between friends who are obsessed with coffee. We wanted our café to be not just a place where you get your coffee, but a place to hang out where people can connect and interact. This is why we created FUMI coffee to be not just your regular café!
Fumi Coffee 是由几位非常痴迷于咖啡的朋友共同创立的品牌。我们希望fumi coffee不只是一个喝咖啡的地方,更是一个不同的人群能够互相社交和沟通的共享空间。
Prize: A week of free coffee!
Find them here!
Instagram @fumicoffee
Little Red Book小紅書:fumicoffee
微信小程序WeChat Mini Program: fumicoffee
DOE COFFEE, est.2014 in Shanghai is a sub coffee brand under DOE — a lifestyle ethos inspired through the convergence of culture, and a landmark brand in China’s new retail. DOE COFFEE locates at the center of Jing’An and Xintiandi, provides only premium quality coffee to help city boys/girls「STAY WOKE」mentally and physically.
2014年,DOE 创立于中国上海。以「BE FORMLESS」为品牌哲学,不下定义,不设界限,不可复制。旗下品牌 DOE COFFEE 在传承品牌「BE FORMLESS」哲学的同时,大胆提出「STAY WOKE」标语,意在提醒众人自清于周遭环境,不走捷径,永远保持独立思考和清晰的自我认知。
Prize: A Dirty Matcha Latte (本季特制饮品:脏脏抹茶拿铁)
Find them here!
Instagram @DOECOFFEE
WeChat & Mini Program小程序:DOE咖啡
The Boundless Way Cafe
Coffee tastes simple but contains everything. We wish to bring more people to feel the boundless way of coffee.
No boundary between coffee and you
Prize奖品: Specialty pour-over coffee 15% off coupon 精品手冲咖啡85折代金券
Jonas Emil Coffee Roasters
Jonas Emil is a micro coffee roaster based in Shanghai. Since 2009, we have been quietly honing our craft of fine coffee roasting. Like any good tradesperson, we have mastered the craft through practice. We strive to reduce the distance between the roaster and your coffee maker by selling direct to the consumer. Small batch roasting minimizes the time our coffee sits in inventory. Our generous Roast-to-Order program assures delivery of the freshest possible coffee to your door.
巧思磨咖啡是一家小型烘焙公司,公司创始人戴维在中国生活超过20多年。利用这个机会他将他爷爷(Jonas Emil)烘焙技术以及配方带到中国并发扬光大。自2009年以来我们小批量烘焙保证咖啡豆的新鲜,微信点单方便快捷。让顾客喝上高品质的咖啡一直是巧思磨努力的方向!
Prize奖品: A bag of speciality coffee
Find them here!
Facebook @Jonas Emil Coffee
Wechat: JonasEmilCoffee巧思磨咖啡
We offer GPS enabled, bikes with removable, lightweight easy to ride, green, theft proof 2 wheeled Electric Vehicles on a subscription program basis.
For China our program, customers don’t have to worry about the high costs of new E-Bike, the registration/plate process, the maintenance cost and the possibility of theft.
The subscription is a single monthly fee of an average 300RMB or less, with no deposit and no fixed minimum term (Hand it back when you like) Our MUTE membership allows customers to get a bike in other country location, at no extra cost.
Prize奖品: 1 month free scooter (to be picked up in January)1个月电动车免费骑(1月起生效)
Find them here!
Instagram @mutegaragebali
WeChat: MUTEGarageShanghai
Pint Club
Our story is a simple one. We believe gelato makes people happy and we want to make good gelato for the people. Our gelato is made in small batches with no additional artificial flavourings, colours, and preservatives.
Pint Club 的品牌理念很简单,我们相信冰淇淋可以给人带来快乐, 我们想要创造让人快乐的美味冰淇淋。我们致力于制作让自己满意的冰淇淋。使用进口牛奶制作。不额外添加香精,色素和防腐剂。
Prize奖品: A minicup of Pint Club Sicilian Pistachio Gelato 迷你杯西西里开心果冰淇淋
Find them here!
Instagram @PintClubGelato
Weibo @PintClub
Wechat: PintClub
Homeslice is a New York style pizzeria, born and raised in Shanghai. Launched February 2017, Homeslice was quickly known for the best pizza in the city. Critically acclaimed, with consistently high ratings from consumers, Homeslice has won prizes for Shanghai’s best pizza since soon after opening and is rated number 1 pizza on Dazhong Dianping.
Homeslice opened two new stores in Fall 2020: one in Jing’an’s new Shankang Li development, and another in Xintiandi’s Foodie Social. Alongside stores in Found 158 and Xujiahui, Homeslice’s innovative and classic toppings on a unique sour-dough crust keep customers coming back for more.
Homeslice Pizza 是一家主打纽约风格的披萨品牌,于2017年在上海开设首家门店,开业短短6个月便荣获“年度最佳披萨“,消费者们更是给予超高评价,使Homeslice迅速在上海众多披萨餐厅中脱颖而出,位列大众点评披萨口味排行榜首位。
Prize奖品: 200 RMB voucher 200元代金券
Find them here!
Instagram @homeslicepizzashanghai
Wechat: PizzabyHomeslice
The MAD HATcher
the MAD HATcher is an accessory design brand founded byN(3)XISM STUDIO since 2013 in Shanghai, adopted both street culture and fashiontrend as inspiration, focus on the detailed design and superior craftwork, inorder to provide the accessory products with professional design and quality tothe young generations.
the MAD HATcher 2013年由N(3)XISM工作室在上海创立,以街头文化和前端时尚为双重灵感,对产品细节和制造工艺的精进有执着追求,旨在为当下年轻群体提供设计与品质皆为专业水准的帽饰,包具和饰品等配件专门品牌。
Prize奖品:the MAD HATcher core bag「MONOGRAM」Series wide ribbon penbag
the MAD HATcher核心包具「MONOGRAM」系列宽织带笔袋
Find them here!
WeChat:the MAD HATcher
Instagram: themadhatcher_official
Pao Tea
Pao Drinks Co is a refreshing new drinks company bottling the flavors of China with the finest local fruits, real brewed teas, and unique sweetening properties of monk fruit. Relentlessly pursuing unique flavor experiences that are derived from natural ingredients and lower sugar content, PAO released it's innaugral original expressions in fall 2020: 柚菊 Grapefruit Pomelo Soda, Yuzu Jasmine Soda, and Yangmei Hibiscus Soda. Find them in bars, restaurants and cafe's near you, or online in their official Wechat shop!
Pao Drinks Co 是一家令人耳目一新的饮品公司,以中国最好的本土水果,醇正的冲泡茶和罗汉果糖分的特性来装瓶纯正的中国风味。PAO坚持不懈地追求源自天然成分和较低糖含量的风味体验,并于2020年秋季发布了其首批初创性成品:“柚菊”- 西柚蜜柚菊花盐汽水,“茉柚”- 柚子茉莉花汽水,和“洛梅” - 杨梅洛神花汽水. 您可以在附近的酒吧,餐馆和咖啡馆中找到它,又或者是在我们的官方微店中找到它们!
Prize奖品: Mixed 6-pack of PAO Sodas: 2 Yuzu Jasmine Soda, 2 Grapefruit Pomelo Soda, 2 Yangmei Hibiscus Soda.
PAO款组合套装: 2瓶柚子茉莉汽水,2瓶西柚蜜柚菊花盐汽水, 2瓶杨梅洛神花汽水。
Find them here!
Instagram @pao.ism
Peddlers Gin
Born on the back streets of Shanghai, the hustle and bustle charm of the world’s biggest trading port was the perfect inspiration from a more adventurous gin. Peddlers offers a distinctive yet perfectly balanced recipe, made with ingredients from the West and the Far East.
Prize奖品: Bottle of Gin 一瓶金酒
Find them here!
F45 Training Shanghai delivers circuit-based training sessions in a safe, friendly and motivating 'team training' environment. A mixture of high-intensity and resistance-based sessions, the “F” stands for Functional Training - meaning our exercises revolve around everyday life - while the “45” stands for the total class time. With over 36 different workout programs, and exercises changing daily, members will never complete the same workout twice.
Prize奖品: one free training session! 1节体验课
Find them here!
Instagram @f45_training_shanghai
wechat: Functional45
Zestea Kombucha is Shanghai-based Kombucha brand bringing you real, organic, raw and all-natural beverages.
Prize奖品: Five flavors of Zestea Kombucha一次获得五种不同风味的Zestea康普茶
Find them here!
instagram @zestea
Naked Nut Butters
Meredith and Katie met in 2016 and, after discovering a mutual love of nut butter and all things homemade, started a small nutbutter company. Founded on the principle that healthy food can also be delicious, NAKED拿颗酱 strives to give their customers a tasty and fun experience.
Meredith和Katie在2016年相遇 -- 在她们发现彼此都很喜欢坚果酱和自制食品之后,一起开创了NAKED拿颗酱。建立在健康食品也可以美味可口的基础上,NAKED拿颗酱努力为顾客们提供美味又健康的体验。
Prize奖品: NAKED's Taster Kit gives you a chance to try all three of their all-natural nut butters: savory peanut butter, sweet cashew butter, and rich almond butter! You'll have a truly tough time picking just one favorite!
Find them here!
Social Media Handles社交媒体信息:
Instagram @NAKEDnutbutters
www. nakednutbutters.com
Weibo: @NAKED拿颗酱
WeChat: nakednutbutters拿颗酱
Mikkeller Shanghai
Mikkeller is first and foremost beer. Showcasing all possible styles and ingredients, this is a universe whose endless possibilities include hops, malt, barrel aging, spontaneous fermentation, coffee, passion fruit, cherries, chilli, yuzu, chocolate and more. But it does not stop there. We also operate bars and restaurants around the world, host an internationally-renowned beer festival and have a world-wide running club with 250 branches in 37 different countries. Last but not least, Mikkeller engages in a myriad of fun projects and collaborations with talented, innovative people from the wondrous worlds of gastronomy and culture.
Prize奖品: One bottle of Mikkeller Beer Geek Fudgesicle 一瓶米凯乐Geek Fudgesicle
Find them here!
WeChat: mikkellershanghai
Pawer Point Cafe
Pawer Point Coffee 是一群热爱咖啡和抹茶的小伙伴创立的自有品牌,关注品质与宠物友好的咖啡抹茶店。PPT Coffee 精选直火烘焙咖啡及京都纯正抹茶,致力于通过一杯“诚意满满”结识更多喜爱咖啡、抹茶还有小动物的新伙伴。
Pawer Point Coffee is a private label coffee and matcha shopfounded by a group of coffee and matcha lovers. Focusing on quality and beingpet friendly, PPT Coffee selects direct fire roasted coffee and imported matchafrom Kyoto, and aims to meet more coffee, matcha and pet lovers through a cupof "sincerity"
Prize奖品: one speciality drink coupon:
Matcha White Chocolate: Matcha from Tokyo and white chocolate from Sweden. garnished with crushed freeze-dried strawberries, is sweet and fruity, the image we have in our heads of a winter love song.
PPT Speciality Dirty Latte: 90°C espresso over to iced purified milk. Please do not miss the dual experience of sweet without pain and alternating heat and cold.
PPT特调款Dirty Latte,将90度深度综合浓缩萃取至冰镇浓郁的浓缩提纯牛乳上,请一定不要错过苦尽甘来、热冷交替的双重体验。
Nice to meet you!
Welcome to Coffee Hounds. It is a specialty coffee wonderland run for ten years.
The motto is to find more specialty coffee out and make it happen in daily life.
We have early bird price every morning. Come and try!
Our address is 202 South Kaixuan Road, 202 South KaixuanRoad.
Prize奖品: 美式咖啡兑换券
Americano coupon
Find them here!