Jianbing COOKIE!
Cookie 朋友s,
There comes a time in every cookie baker’s life when you try something you’ve never tried before. For soft cookie fanatics, it could be a crispy cookie. “Butter or die” types, a vegan cookie. For me, it is the savory cookie. Who raised you to believe a savory cookie is something desirable? I used to reply to young children when they requested one (it’s important to shut down dumb questions immediately, especially from children).
And yet, here I am, on the eve of Untour’s World Jianbing Day (Thursday, April 30th), absolutely obsessed with our Jianbing Cookie.
Jianbing are made from a wheat and egg batter spread on a hot griddle, which is then topped with various sauces, cilantro, green onions, meats and a crunchy wontons all folded together for maximum convenience. It is the savory, spicy and crunchy combination of your dreams.
(all photos from Untour Food Tours)
Using a simple egg and wheat flour base, our Jianbing cookie uses the street food staple as inspiration to morph into the ultimate cookie breakfast. We start off with a spread of savory jianbing sauce sourced from our favorite Shanghai vendor, sprinkle some cilantro on there, crumble crunchy wonton crackers on top, and then finish it all off with an egg yolk sauce.
In the true, fleeting spirit of World Jianbing Day, this cookie is ONLY available on the official holiday: Thursday, April 30th. You can pre-order here now, or pick one up Thursday at our 1166 Yan An Xi Lu, Panyu Lu shop (right next to Columbia Circle), or order through our wechat shop, eleme, sherpas or meituan.
Do I feel strange, now peddling a savory cookie? Of course. But according to Brene Brown, it's important to go outside of our comfort zone sometimes. And she also told me the thing about shutting down kids' dumb questions, so I believe her.
Strictly Cookies' Jianbing Cookie
22 RMB/piece
Available Thursday, April 30th aka World Jianbing Day