Funfetti Ice Cream Sandwiches!
In an effort to brighten up these rainy days, we're offering a FuNfEtTi Ice Cream Sandwich that is guaranteed to add a bit of *fun* to your week (even if only in lettering...). It is only available through next Wednesday, so order now!
But before we leave you to embrace your Thursday, let's explore: what is Funfetti, exactly...?
It all began in 1989 when Pilsbury introduced a "funfetti" cake mix. Using a classic vanilla base, they decided to put sprinkles INSIDE of the cake, instead of just atop it, which, as you can imagine, was VERY groundbreaking at the time. This would create a "confetti" type look when the cake was baked, and it was REALLY FUN, so they combined the two words (cat and banana) and thus Funfetti was born.
In the intervening 30 years, we've seen scores of funfetti confections- cakes, cupcakes, cookies (guilty!) and more.
We sandwich creamy vanilla ice cream with two of our soft funfetti cookies, and then roll the whole thing (GENTLY!!) in colorful sprinkles
This beauty is available today-next Wednesday, so order now :)